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*** Trigger Warnings/Content Warnings: This story contains canonical events, not limited to but including violence, death, suicide, and offensive language *** Ultimately, she must decide what matters most, who she can trust, and what can she do with the time she has left. But they all have an impact, and V learns tremendous lessons along the way. But after corporations start taking over the land where her family farm has been for generations, she has to make some difficult decisions that ultimately have cataclysmic results. V is an old-fashioned country woman who is trying to do her dang best. Sunset Grove 2077, the Appalachian Georgia What-if: Cyberpunk 2077 multiverse Redneck cousin to Night City! It takes a while before we get there buuuuuut.I tried so hard to make that last one work and I'm so proud.A different flavor of Cyberpunk - Slappy's CP2077 Multiverse.Mostly canon compliant with some strands that come back to join the braid nicely.Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death.

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Slappyrad Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)

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